HELC is a club for professional engineers and scientists from Hertfordshire and surrounding districts. We provide opportunities for members and their partners or friends to meet socially, to enjoy a meal together and to listen to a talk of general interest.
We meet for lunch at the Homestead Court Hotel, Welwyn Garden City, where the Bar opens at 11.30 am for convivial chat followed by Lunch at 12.30 pm. The talks start around 2.00 pm, and continues for 40 to 60 minutes. The current charge for each lunch is £28 per person. See Lunches page for further details, or our
Google Calendar.
We also arrange occasional visits to local places of interest, as well as longer breaks away in Britain and the Continent. There is usually a walk followed by a pub lunch every month during the drier seasons. See Events for further details.
The Club publishes a bi-monthly
HELC was formed in 1997 for membership by present and past members of any Professional Engineering Institution. The Club was initially sponsored by the Herts Area of the IEE (now known as The IET), but is now a totally independent organisation with 100+ active Members. In recent years HELC has become more inclusive and welcomes professional people from a variety of scientific and technical disciplines.
Please go to the
History page for a short history of HELC.
Full Club Membership is open to professional people from Hertfordshire and surrounding districts, who have followed a career in any branch of engineering or science, especially if they had a career associated with engineering.
The annual membership fee is £30 if you take the bi-monthly Newsletter by e-mail, or £35 if you want a printed version posted to your home address. Members are strongly urged to receive the Newsletter and any urgent correspondence by email, as this not only saves members and the Club money, but it also removes a considerable administrative problem for the Committee.
Membership Fees are due on the 1st January each year and reminders are sent out in November along with a form to update any changes to your personal details. A new member who joins after the beginning of September will receive the renewal reminder in November of the following year.
The Membership list is maintained by the Membership Secretary. This is used solely for the purposes of the Club, and no personal details are divulged without the written permission of the member in question. Please see HELC’s
Privacy Policy.
If you would like to join HELC please go to the
Join Us page for information and application form.
The Club lunches and other activities are organised by a Committee whose members are elected at the AGM. The AGM is held before the March lunch each year. Audited financial accounts are also approved by members at the AGM.
The administration of the club is governed by the
Constitution. The Constitution has two appendices: Appendix A, Club Rules, and Appendix B, Financial Rules.
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